Sunday, January 26, 2014


In a world filled with "selfies" you'd think I would be comfortable with my own makes me self conscience....but after taking the image and seeing it for the first time on my camera screen, it made me feel empowered, like this is ME, this is my reflection. I thought I used to be able to see my reflection in my children, mostly I see my character, which I guess in a sense is my reflection, but it's something totally different staring straight back at you...This is the window in my very small studio in the back of my house...
This image did accomplish "reflection":
1. I reflected on the endless opportunities there are outside that window, the hopes, the dreams, like maybe right now it is seeing into the darkness and unknown, but in all that out there is all that is in me.
2. I reflected that I have to wash my windows more often...

re-flec-tion: something that shows the effect, existence, or character of something else.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wide Open Spaces

I live in a part of the city that has been going through a lot of transitions. Oak Cliff was at one point, a very run down and very sketchy part of town...I grew up in this place so I have seen the lowest point it was to what is it becoming now. What has always been beautiful about Oak Cliff is the trees and the views of the city skyline.
This photograph was taken from  a hotel that was at one point very close to condemnation, but when you see it now, it's a beautiful hotel with beautiful views.
I came across this window cut-out and when I look out it is this beautiful view of the skyline. The window and the darkness around it makes you really focus on the sky view. 
It's our little wide open space...

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Something Small...

With the ever changing weather here in Texas, it's been a little hard to keep ourselves from getting off track...Selah has been feeling sick for almost a week now....As I was trying to comfort her and after she was fast asleep, I started to just hold her hand and remember how in perspective to me she is so small...It's those little hands that I looked at right as she was born, the little fingers that wrapped around my finger and gave me heart a leap of joy. It's the smallest of hands that represent how much she still needs of me. It's these smallest of hands that remind me that in the big picture of things...all that matters are the smallest details.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year First Day

This day has already gone so fast and I meant to have this blog up and running, decorated nicely, photo taken, however, as it usually goes, time when fast and here it is late in the day and I'm just starting...but my first New Years resolution is NOT TO STRESS OUT! It's gonna be a cool-as-a-cucumber-attitude. I do resolutions every year and I am happy to say I do accomplish most...weight and my spiritual growth always require the most help...they go hand in hand really so I'm not surprised that every year I lack in both...
That brings me to my next resolution: TO EAT HEALTHIER. Sounds simple and I like to think that I'm pretty conscious of what I eat, but I'm sure I'm in denial because I'm pretty overweight. SO I'm starting out this year by "clean eating" basically organic and fresh fruits and vegetables. I've packed my food for tomorrow so I'm pretty excited for that. I just have to be very organized and realize that I MUST plan out my foods and prepare them the day before. I'll think of more resolutions this week and by Friday I will have them all written down in my journal.
For now, and since it's late, (well when you've been sleeping as late as I have been) I will post my first photo for the year....a fingers count as a selfie? ..oh I didn't mention....52 Photos Project. One photo a week...I think there's a theme but there wasn't one for today. So, here ya go...